Keeping your spine long and legs together, come into a V-sit. For the less irksome adjustment, wind your knees or keep your feet on the ground. Make it harder by fixing your legs and lifting your arms. Hold for five to 15 breaths.
Cross your lower legs and overlay your inside over your legs, extending your outside hips for 10 to 15 breaths.
Contorting Boat Pose
yoga moves for sprinters
Return to your V-sit and, keeping your spine long and legs together, take in out to contort in actuality side. Take in to center, by then take in out really side. Continue for five to 10 rounds.
Leg over leg Forward Fold
yoga moves for sprinters
Cross your lower legs with the other shin in front and overlay your inside over your legs for another 10 to 15 breaths.
Posting Boat Pose
yoga moves for sprinters
Return to your V-sit and rock onto your right glute. For in a general sense logically a test, cleave down your legs and chest zone nearer to the ground. Hold for five to 10 breaths, by then repeat on the left side.
Shoemaker Pose
yoga moves for sprinters
Give the bottoms of your feet to contact and lean forward, broadening your inside thighs for 10 to 15 breaths.
From your back, knees bowed, press your hips up and your hands down, attracting your glutes and hamstrings while broadening your hip flexors. Hold for 10 to 15 breaths.
RELATED: How You Can Avoid Nagging Hamstring Injuries
Grasshopper Y Jumping Jacks
yoga moves for sprinters
Move to your stomach and lift your arms, chest, and legs off the floor. Travel through moderate "ricocheting jacks": Inhale, spread your arms to a Y, and press your legs together, by then take in out, join your arms, and spread your legs to a Y. Repeat five to 15 cycles.
Sage Rountree is a running trainer, yoga teacher, and maker of The Athlete's Guide to Yoga and Everyday Yoga.